Sunday, December 6, 2009

Relations in the "e" ("i") Age

We Are living in the Communication age , the Age where everything starts of with an "e" (Apple Like to fancy it with an "i").
We eMail, Read ePaper, We Stay online , Work Online , but stay Apart.

The age of Communication, has provided us with all the means to communicate , but has taken from us the urge.
The urge to write a mail (letter), The urge to talk back home, The urge to Listen to your sweetheart's Voice, The Urge and passion to have your photographs developed and printed, The Urge to get together with old pals from college/school or the Urge to be present at the Family get together .

The boon has slowly seeped us deep inside, making space for itself by dumping out odd emotions, unrelated conclusions, savoring times, Odd memories...

The Age has taken a toll on us, We Don't know emotions, we can't interpret reactions, And Most times We fail to understand our own very self.

You have a 1000 friends Online, but rarely a real one beside you. You have a tons of mails in your inbox , but rarely any that Counts !

You enter a gathering , Looking for people with same passion , and end up talking google, yahoo, MSN , Some new Streaming site, Torrents , Links to the posts you did, or to comments by an odd person.

You find a Friend, a real one , but you fumble on ways to interact, to react to his deeds, to help him when he needs , to catch the signs when he wants you.

Worst , You interact with a Cross gender, You share same passion , You love the company , Its been ages you talked to a girl , You share emotions , and then your mind goes overload.

the module to handle emotions was just dumped down by the new package to understand controls on your iPod to control the laptop via Internet.

You simply lost count.
You become restless, Impatient , And @best interpret the "relation" to be of love (yeah you already had 50+ of them ). Even worse - you have a girlfriend , now what do you do.
I'll leave this for you to interpret (if you don't have a Module replacement already ;) )

You talk back home on persistence of your mother's "SMS", but then again , you've nothing to talk, same Old Office , college , food, Sleep, Play, and Obviously you can't talk All the "e" Things to her.
What do you do?
Try and run away. Blubber some crap, Have a Fight , Argue , And Off you go.

Turns out you dn't have a Family now!

Friends , yeah i have friends, they are my age , they talk all the "e" Crap, Lets Talk to friends ..

And Off you go again to "YOUR" kind , talking more crap , replacing more modules , turning more Zombie , burning more midnight oil, and breaking more apart!

Welcome to the Age of


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lost in Conversation

Ain't it Funny ..


Y8 we TLK in abbreviations ,

4RM call 2 SMS ,

4RM big L8rs 2 CMPCT emails ,

4RM LRG Testimonials 2 Cute li'l #Twitts.

Seriously , HW MNY F us DN'T STRT our CNVRST'NS WID..

"aur bolo",

"aur kya",

"sab badhiya",

"yaar bore Life hai",

"this Sucks",

"tum sunao",

"howz everything",

"long time man!!!"

And Come back to the same within 10 mins (@MAX) of it

Is this All We've got 4 CONVERSATION ! ! !

PS: Read in BOLD

Thursday, October 15, 2009

McEntire Air Show and Ground EXPO 2009

This has been My Second US trip for same Project and client! Fortunate ?
A Definite yes!
This Trip Endured me to visit places one could just dream of, and do things I never though I'd Do. From Grand Canyon to Las vegas , From Sky dive to F22 Raptor.
I Mind Boggling roller coaster with a fleet of Pleasant surprises.
One of those Rare treat was the Annual US Airshow and Ground Expo. This year's Expo was being held at the McEntire Air base Columbia , around 15 minute drive from My Current Location.
The Sheer Fire power and might of US Air Force Could be easily felt by an absolute Delight in F22 Raptor Kept at the very entrance ! ! !
The Show Began With Some Older Crafts and Tank Shows , Steering towards a modern Apache , Black Hawk , F16 Fighter Multiroll Combat aircraft.
The Enormous Power of Dollar , Petrol, Domination , Arrogance, and Technology Could easily be felt around you.
The air had an aura of Immense Thrust, With Big Len Camera All geared to Take a Click at the Kill, Engines Roaring aloud to declare the arrival and sustenance of Master hood, And to Top it all up , The Enormous presence of US Armed Forces - Marines, and State forces alike.
It'll be A devastating attempt to sum up whole of the 4 Hour stint in a few 1000 words, So here are a Few Clicks From The Air show.
Bigger ones van be Seen on My Flickr account.

Eager to see all astonished comments.

SwappyIT - View my 'McEntire Air Show and Ground EXPO 2009' set on Flickriver

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Turning 24 , Running on 25th

Its the 8767th day of my life, Is been 24 Whole years!
Does it feel like ?
Certainly not with my actions. I am still a Happy go lucky lad , with trouble in taking any damn decisions.
I am witty , and try to seek solace in an alternate path to everything.
I have dreams , big dreams , just like any young lad.
I simply won't work on'em
I Start things up, I Promise Stuffs, I Plan Schedules...
Where Am i goin ..
Ok Fine .. its not that bad , But worth contemplating.

To be Followed...