Thursday, May 16, 2013

Google hangout App - first review

Google released the hangout App, which unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?)  replaced the talk app
The app though good for the hangout experience, certainly misses out on talk capabilities. I don't see it as a talk replacement. Google certainly is looking at streamlining its product suite, but a planned thinking seems to be missing (or they might be launching them all as betas to get use feedback).
Keep was redundant after google tasks, same ways talk messaging app and Google plus seems to be crossing each other.
With The new app, Google seems to have reduced redundancy by getting rid of talk, but in turn reduced the user experience.
Here are my list of feature that went missing -
  • I don't want to talk to all my contacts on google plus, the new shop lists them all. 
  • How do I know who is online?  It's not too clear. 
  • Sorting contacts by availability / frequency etc is missing 
  • Finding contact from the huge list is cumbersome, it's definitely not "instant"  messaging
  • No invisibility
  • doesn't work with other xmpp contacts anymore

Let Me know your thoughts on the new app experience and do watch out Google INC 2013 live at