Friday, July 2, 2010

[Retrospection] - An open Mail to the team leads and team

Well I was in Dilemma whether to  re-post this blog or not, This was the blog which triggered a series of events for me , and when I look back I do realize the truths being spoken BUT more do I realize the mistakes I made.
  • Communicate in written only if you need to , Words once written , can not be denied.
  • Get your facts straight, Not just speak what "you think".
  • Write once, Read a hundred times, over a span of days/ weeks if the need be. If you still feel certain , go do it, don't hesitate, but if you don't feel it right , chuck it.
  • Put yourself in the others shoes, What would you have done , How would you have reacted to a similar letter/mail.
  • Emotions and Job don't get quite well.
  • More Lessons : 

Enjoy the Job , It's just a part of your Life.
And yes , Make Mistakes , But learn well enough to make new ones every time. And As Some One Said it , BE YOUR SELF !

Hi All

I have been thinking (after a long time actually) , on why we crib so much , why is it that after every policy change, after every appraisal , after every move , after every issue , after every promotion , after every tiny COA ... Instead of rejoicing on the overall success of the group (which should be the case) , we just crib.

The Core crust in my opinion lies with the vision , we do not have pro-active mind set, we just pretend , plan and display measures , which as a bitter fact , is hardly ever in line with what we want.

When it comes to resources at the bottom of the pyramid , who actually have the most zeal to do something , and the time to devote , we always ask them to be at their toes whole year. What is being said is : "Performance is measured throughout the year".

Whenever there's a successful implementation , It's these foundation , that  have actually worked (not without the guidance of experienced resources), but when it comes to remunerations , Its hardly replicated.

But even that is not the issue.
No matter what the organization gives , no matter how many times you appreciate , no matter how many accolades you give , if the way we execute it , and the timing at which we execute this, is not changed, "don't expect a happy team".

We have discussed a lot about ESS score, about What Employee wants, the "I appreciate" week , and so on and so forth. Unfortunately what we haven't learned is : "Employee is not a fool" , There's a True Appreciation , and a Faked one. In Most of our cases (exceptions are many as well) , this has been a Faked one , or a induced one when a US counterpart would have appreciated.

Why Can't Managers have faith and Judge their resources?

The reason is always given - "You can't keep 100% of employee happy"
I Say "Why not !"

I'll tell you one last bitter but fact.  The reason is because most of the upper pyramid is actually not aware of what their resources are doing , what their needs are , what their aspirations are, and what work they do. If I spare 30% of the upper pyramid , the remaining 70% comes in this category. (fortunately my lead comes in the elite 30)
Bad Choice : Never give a Data you can't explain, never be emotional in what you speak, be professional, be terse.

If you are well aware , you have a bonding (not a fake one) , trust me resources are not just a few Employee ID's, they understand. It's only when they feel being fooled , that they revolt.

Why is the case that Managers have to fight over for their candidates for rating at the crux hour of 1 month duration ?
Why is it always that managers feel an urge to talk , discuss and take feedbacks only when it's either IDP, KRA, Midterm, ESS or Annual Cycle ?
Does it take so much time ? and are we really so short of time all through the year , and suddenly have all the  time to discuss ?

I don't think so!

Just be Truthful.

This has been my first company , and I have learned a lot, and I expect to continue learning, Some day I would like to lead a team under me , I would definitely not want to be like most of you when I do so , That's a statement enough which shows the depth of it.
I am sure all of the people at the foundation of pyramid would agree.

PS: I didn't wanted to bring this up at the time of rating or appraisals , hence the delay, but as already said , I realized the Pinnacle Pyramid has all the time to discuss and take feedback during this duration :)
This is not a rattling , just a few 1 or 2 liners in the heart  which needed almost two pages to materialize .

Thanks and regards

Swapnil Kocheta

PS: May be someday I'll Write "The  3  N Mistakes of my life" , and this one would definitely be there at number 3 or 4 :P

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Website Performance and Google Chrome

I just came home from a intriguing session on basic Jquery, and was raring to see what all is in stock for me.
A few websites down the line , I realized the plethora of tasks that have been and could be done using sheer old JavaScript, let alone Jquery.

Any ways, as an intrigued mind of an IT Engg. Who has lost touch with technology for ages, the first thing that popped up into mind was : "Dude ! Where is the code ;) ". So the Saga began ....

There used to be a nifty tool called IEDeveloper toolbar, sure it'll gimme something ... Actually - NONE.
O k ...
k lets try that Fiddler and other tools. Well .. many things but not CODE. ;)

Ok ... so what .. Lets learn it .. .... few pages down the line .. a big yawn.
So I start again , at the stuff , I am good at .. search ;)

Wollah , chrome has a developer tools, this must be fun , and sure it was .. not only I got the gist , but wow it even suggests what is absolutely rubbish with a perfectly good looking (but slow) site.

Check it out guys ....
Image below is more than self explanatory. The rest is pure dig deep down under.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Even as IIT considers Singapore Campus – Their Rankings Witnesses a Fall !

Even as IIT considers Singapore Campus – Their Rankings Witnesses a Fall !: "

After IIT Delhi, Kanpur and Ahmedabad among various other Indian IIT campuses, possibly IIT seems to be ready to add one more feather to its cap in the form of IIT Singapore campus.

The Singapore government has since long invited for an IIT campus to set up a base over there as International Institute of technology. This institute could be created with a joint effort of IIT Council and other centrally-funded technology and science institutes such as NITs and Indian Institute of Science.IIT

It is no more a hidden agenda that HRD Ministry is keen to take Indian education at global levels what with a vast line-up of reforms already been lined up by the Indian government and its recent initiative to taking the CBSE board international.






IIT Bombay



IIT Kanpur



IIT Delhi



IIT Madras



University of Delhi



IIT Roorkee



University of Pune




IIT Kharagpur



University of Mumbai



University of Calcutta



IIT Guwahati



Source: QS Asian University Rankings

But, it needs to be determined whether such fast-paced steps are actually warranted. According to latest Universities rankings, IITs have not performed well. IIT Bombay’s ranking has fallen six places to 36 this year. Even IIT Kanpurand Delhi have slipped three rankings positions each.

But, Couple of other IIT Institutes seemed to have done well over past year – IIT Kharagpur from 141 last year to 57 this year and IIT Guwahati from 171 in 2009 to 66 position in 2010.

Apart from Singapore, the Indian Institute of Technology is also being contemplating to get its first offshore campus in Qatar in co-ordination with the IIT Council – the apex decision body for all IITs. The HRD Ministry is more keen to take Brand India abroad now than ever before.

The special focus will be on post graduate programs which will seek to attract students from across Asia. This international level campus will be based on public-private partnership. The graduates from the elite IIT institutions are spread far and wide in service for various well known organizations of the world.

What’s your view on IIT going international?

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

US Tax returns - A Lesson Learned

Dollar Speaks high and Mighty as Always, be it the IT Boom or the Bubble Burst Recession , The Lady with Blue torch stands tall.
What I am gonna share is a brief incident and lesson learnt to make more Green currency , Maximizing your benefits , and minimizing expenses.
Recently I had a business trip to US on L1 (Blanket) Visa, Earning moolah , Visiting places and actually seeing the Land of Opportunity.
That golden Honeymoon being over, My company policies and hassles apart, Finally arrived the last Golden Light of Green Golden Money ($) - A K A - Federal and State Tax returns.
I was surprised to see huge almost 4 Digit figure in the tax return , which added a loads of Financial Planning into over ride frenzy ;). BUT then , Comparing with other counterpart's returns , I hit a bottom ...

Lets Keep the story telling apart , and come to the Money talk.

US Income tax return comes into two Chunks:
1. Federal Tax returns (the major Chunk)
2. State Tax returns

The tax is deducted at source (just like india), and if you've paid an extra, a refund is being provided.
Simple ! Ain't it ?

Lets Come to the complex picture.
There are two major tax filing for Indians working in US:
1. Non Resident Alien (Usually Fills 1040 NR form)
2. Resident Alien  (Usually fill 1040 or 1040 EZ)

As the name suggests , Resident Alien , do enjoy benefits over the Non Resident counterparts in terms of tax benefits as well as in some other scenario (please vist IRS website for details.)

Our point however is , how to cash in on the Resident Alien criteria, and how to fit in to reap Maximum Money ($ is what we work for ).
Rule of Thumb:
1. Stay in US for more than 183 Days (from entry immigration check to exit immigration check)
2. Stay in India in that Financial year for less than 182 days.

In case of a Tie (183+182 is 365 and you may face a tie), if Criteria 2. is false (you stayed for 182 or more days in India), you'll be considered Non Resident, and easily be chopped off approx 1200$+.

If however, Criteria 2 is true , but not 1, You'll still be Considered Non Resident.
BUT (there always is a "BUT")
If in the two years preceding the financial year in question , you were in US (eg. for 2009-10 returns , 2008 and 2009), Following calculation will be made:

You are a Resident alien IFF (if and only if) -
1. Sum of Total days in US in current Financial year + 1/3 Days in US in Last Financial year + 1/6 Days in US in Last to Last Financial year >= 183
2. Days in India in current Financial Year < (and not equal to) 182 Days.

1.  Exit From Indian Soil         :  21st June 2009
2.  Entry in US (at Atlanta)     :   22nd June 2009
3.  Exit From US (at Atlanta)  :  20th Dec 2009
4.  Entry into India                  :  22nd Dec 2009
5.  Previous duration               :  93 Days on B1 Visa in 2008

According to the current Calculations,

Number of Days in US:                                 182 + (93) * 1/3 = 213 Days
Number of Day in India in this Financial year:         1 April 2009 to 21 June 2009 + 22 Dec 2009 to 31 March 2010 = 182 days

and hence Criteria 2 Fails.
PS: The Day in Transit, is not accounted for in either US or India

Hopefully this will help filing and planning the tax returns.
The post is based on personal experience, where I was on a long term L1 Visa, during single US tax Cycle
For Glossary of terms , and Imp Details, I Considered following Links helpful:

1040 NR
1040 NR Details
Various IRS Tax Glossary
Famous PUB. 519
1040NR Vs 1040 and other details

Please Comment if you Liked the post or would like me to Edit/Add some part of the post.